Summer Camp 2025
A Day At Summer Camp
A quiet day comes alive at Camp Peniel with the ringing of the bell and the smell of breakfast cooking in the lodge. While the grass is still wet with morning dew, campers are either getting ready to head to flagpole, or those who are a little more daring get suited up for a quick dip in the lake! Breakfast, like every other meal, is served in a family style setting with cabin groups eating together.
After some morning announcements, campers head to their cabins for clean-up and (on a rotation basis) choose a skills option that they will be involved in that day. Special time is set aside for cabin groups to get together for cabin devotions during the mornings. It’s a time for life questions, learning new things, exploring who God is and what relevance Jesus has to all of our lives. These are special times of the day where everyone is encouraged to ask questions and share stories.
Before lunch, skills options are offered in one to two hour sessions where campers are challenged to excell, encouraged to be creative and simply have a good time! There are lots of options to choose from and exciting things happen here! Then it’s off to a fabulous lunch – sometimes a picnic, sometimes a hot dog roast!
The afternoon is always packed with Global Adventures (missions), another skills option, tuck (the canteen) and the ever popular “Choose Your Own Adventure.” During this time, campers are free to go swimming, fly off the Blob, play mega games, jump on the trampoline, improve their archery skills and so much more! And look out for Wacky Wednesdays where everything is โฆ wacky!
Then it’s off to supper – a banquet on Thursday – and a camp wide event in the field. What’s a week at Peniel without at least one game of Burning Bridges?! The evening begins down by the lake at our vespers area with the sun beginning to set over the horizon.
Vespers is always a special time of reflection for everyone. After some singing we slow down to hear what our Spiritual Life Leader has to share from God’s Word. From here we move into a blazing campfire complete with silly songs and great skits! Then we top the day off with an exciting night game and a great snack before heading to bed. But everyone knows that tomorrow will be another great day โฆ
Scooter Day Camp
Scooter Day Camp was started for two reasons: for campers who are not quite ready to spend the night away from home and for campers whose schedules require a little more flexibility.
Each day runs from 8:00 am until between 4:00 – 5:30 pm @ Camp Peniel. Campers can come stay for the day all week!
Ages 5-11
July 6 -11, 2025
$30 / day or $125 / week
(lunch is not included)
Lunch $8 / day extra

Scramble Camp
Scramble camps are what we call our traditional summer camp weeks. We have all the classic features of summer camp like swimming, archery, canoeing, campfire, camp-wide games, and tuck while also adding some newer elements like our new basketball court (coming in Spring 2025), water slide / trampoline combo, and newly renovated gaga ball court.
Scramble means two age groups on campus at the same time (7-9 & 10-12). Some parts of the day are done together (means, vespers, choose your own adventure), and other parts are separated by age group (bedtime, campfire). Cabins are divided by these age groups as well.
Scramble A
Ages 7-12
July 13-18, 2025
Drop Off: 6:00 pm Sunday
Pick Up: 6:00 pm Friday
Price: $400
Scramble B
Ages 7-12
Aug 3-8, 2025
Drop Off: 6:00 pm Sunday
Pick Up: 6:00 pm Friday
Price $400
To see what a day at camp looks like, feel free to watch the video!
Activate! Camp
Activate! camp takes our traditional summer camp experience to a whole new level. All the classic features of Camp Peniel (swimming, archery, campfire, camp-wide games, tuck, water trampoline, and newer elements like our new basketball court (coming in Spring 2025), water slide / trampoline combo, and newly renovated gaga ball court.) are still available this week, but on top of these are our specialty Activate! options: Super Sports, Cooking, Theatre / Drama, Outdoor Survival Skills / Fishing, and Crafting / Sewing.
Each camper who attends Activate! Camp chooses one of those five Activate! options to participate in for the week. Unlike regular options, Activate! options are two hours long each in order to give campers an opportunity to really develop skills in these areas.
Ages 9-14
July 27 – Aug 1, 2025
Drop Off: 6:00 pm Sunday
Pick Up: 6:00 pm Friday
Price: $425

Wilderness Camp
Wilderness camp is a unique week at Camp Peniel. For starters, it doesn’t happen AT Camp Peniel. Though registration and pick up are at camp, the majority of the week for these campers is spent at our off-site Wilderness Camp area in Sandford, NS. Campers typically return to the camp some time on Thursday so that they are able to take advantage of Camp Peniel’s facilities (and to take a shower before pickup!).
Wilderness campers spend the week sleeping in tents. The food is either cooked on a portable propane stove or over an open fire. Campers are taught skills in various wilderness activities including (but not limited to) shelter building, outdoor cooking and fire building, whittling and knife safety, canoeing, hammock making, plant identification, and fishing
Ages 9-14
August 17-22, 2025
Drop Off: 6:00 pm Sunday
Pick Up: 6:00 pm Friday
Price: $350

Mini Camp
Campers who attend Mini Camp get a taste of a “traditional” week of overnight summer camp, but do not have to stay for a whole week. Mini Camp is only three days and two nights. During that time, campers will get to experience all the classic features of summer camp like swimming, archery, canoeing, campfire, camp-wide games, and tuck while also adding some newer elements like our new basketball court (coming in Spring 2025), water slide / trampoline combo, and newly renovated gaga ball court..
Mini 1
Ages 7-9
July 20-22, 2025
Drop Off: 6:00 pm Sunday
Pick Up: 6:00 pm Tuesday
Price: $200
Mini 2
Ages 10-12
July 23-25, 2025
Drop Off: 6:00 pm Wednesday
Pick Up: 6:00 pm Friday
Price $200
To see what a day of camp is like, watch the video!
Teen Camp
What a great way to finish your summer with friends.
Come be part of a week full of exciting games, programs, and all your other favorite camp activities.
We hope you can join us.
Ages 13-17
August 10-14, 2025
Drop Off: 6:00 pm Sunday
Pick Up: 6:00 pm Thursday
Price: $350

Leadership Camp
Leadership camp is a unique week at Camp Peniel. On top of being able to participate in all of the usual fun camp activities (swimming, archery, campfire, boating, etc), campers who attend this week will also be undertaking some intense leadership training. Be prepared to spend a lot of time in the Bible, really digging deep into your faith, and serving others.
Attending this week of camp is a great idea for campers who are considering working at Camp Peniel in the future. Along with learning a lot of skills that are necessary for working at camp, we often consider leadership campers if we need volunteers to fill roles later in the summer.
Ages 12-16
July 20-24, 2025
Drop Off: 6:00 pm Sunday
Pick Up: 6:00 pm Thursday
Price: $350