Want to join our team?

Current Job Openings

Camp Peniel is a Christian camp and retreat centre that exists to present the Lord Jesus Christ in His fullness and love. We hire staff members who profess faith in Jesus and make it their aim to passionately and actively pursue a life that exemplifies following Him.

There are three things a person has to do before they can be considered for employment at Camp Peniel: submit a completed application form, submit three completed reference forms, and participate in an interview. People who submit incomplete applications will not be offered positions.

Online Application Forms

New Staff Application
    • Camp Peniel exists to present the Lord Jesus Christ in His fullness and love. We are looking for staff members who both love working with children and who profess faith in Jesus. We expect staff members to make it their aim to passionately and actively pursue a life that exemplifies following Christ. Filling out this application does not guarantee an interview or a position on staff. Please print clearly where space is provided and be sure to fill out this form in its entirety.

    • Personal Information

    • Opportunity & Experience

    • Christian Faith Experience

    • Written Answers

    • Further Information

    • Camp Peniel staff members are prayerfully chosen and offered positions based on the content of their application, reference checks, and their personal interview. Selected applicants will then be offered a conditional position until a signed and completed contract is received along with any necessary supporting documents. Please note: if a potential staff member fails to submit the required documentation by the required dates, the position may be offered to another applicant.

      All staff members are expected to agree with and live by Camp Peniel’s:

      • – Statement of Faith
      • – Core Values, Mission Statement, Objectives & Philosophy
      • – Expectations for Leaders and Role Models

      In addition, staff members must be willing to complete:

      • – Police Record Check, including Vulnerable Sector Search (if applicant is 18 years of age or older) (Due June 1st)
      • – Online WHMIS training course (if needed for position) (Due: July 1st)
      • – First Aid training (if needed for position, either emergency or standard depending on position) (Due: July 1st)

      Staff are expected to attend all applicable staff training events. If you are unable to attend a staff training event (or part of an event), please let the camp know as soon as possible. No staff member will be allowed to work at Camp Peniel until they have received all necessary training for their position.

      I agree that all of the information included in this application and supporting documents is true and that falsification or misrepresentation of any kind may lead to my dismissal. By clicking “Yes”, I authorize Camp Peniel to use this as an electronic signature.

Returning Staff Application
    • Camp Peniel exists to present the Lord Jesus Christ in His fullness and love. We are looking for staff members who both love working with children and who profess faith in Jesus. We expect staff members to make it their aim to passionately and actively pursue a life that exemplifies following Christ. Filling out this application does not guarantee an interview or a position on staff. Please print clearly where space is provided and be sure to fill out this form in its entirety.

      Only fill out this application if you have worked at Camp Peniel during any of the summers between 2021 – 2023.

    • Personal Information

    • Opportunity & Experience

    • Christian Faith Experience

    • Written Answers

    • Further Information

    • Camp Peniel staff members are prayerfully chosen and offered positions based on the content of their application, reference checks, and their personal interview. Selected applicants will then be offered a conditional position until a signed and completed contract is received along with any necessary supporting documents. Please note: if a potential staff member fails to submit the required documentation by the required dates, the position may be offered to another applicant.

      All staff members are expected to agree with and live by Camp Peniel’s:

      • – Statement of Faith
      • – Core Values, Mission Statement, Objectives & Philosophy
      • – Expectations for Leaders and Role Models

      In addition, staff members must be willing to complete:

      • – Police Record Check, including Vulnerable Sector Search (if applicant is 18 years of age or older) (Due June 1st)
      • – Online WHMIS training course (if needed for position) (Due: July 1st)
      • – First Aid training (if needed for position, either emergency or standard depending on position) (Due: July 1st)

      Staff are expected to attend all applicable staff training events. If you are unable to attend a staff training event (or part of an event), please let the camp know as soon as possible. No staff member will be allowed to work at Camp Peniel until they have received all necessary training for their position.

      I agree that all of the information included in this application and supporting documents is true and that falsification or misrepresentation of any kind may lead to my dismissal. By clicking “Yes”, I authorize Camp Peniel to use this as an electronic signature.

Staff Reference Form
    • Please rate the applicant in the following areas:

      lease make a selection from “Poor” to “Exceptional”. Examples of what each rating could mean are provided, however do not feel limited by the examples given. If N/A is chosen, please note at the end why you selected that.

Printable Application Forms

As one of Nova Scotia’s premier Summer Camp & Retreat Centres, we are constantly making a positive difference in our community. Every year we impact and inspire both children and adults, provide leadership and skills training for current and future leaders, and create an atmosphere for dreaming incredible dreams!